Have you ever wanted to make an perfect orignal chracter or just draw a chracter and have it come out good? Well that's probably not going to happen anytime relatively soon. But that doesn't mean never!
Like most things when you draw you need a base. Start the drawing off by trapezoid. Lot of different shapes can make a hand but for this lesson you'll be making a flat hand. Once the trapizod is complete you'll want to think about fingers.
When you're drawing fingers you'll want to think about the positioning of the fingers. For fingers you'll want to use more round shapes like ovals and circles. Once you have the position in mind, put in real life. Take your non dominant hand and pose it. Look at the basic shapes and think about how you would put it on paper. Now that you've got an idea, draft it on paper.
It's almost complete! But if you're looking at it and thinking "what did I just make?", don't lose hope yet! Stepping back and looking at your art is a big part of being an artist. To finish the hand go back in and erase the unnecessary lines and add details you find necessary such as wrinkles, spots, creases lines and scratches.
Congrautlations, you've completed the hand! If you're still looking at it hopelessly and thinking that it looks back don't give up. Alot of people whether their artist or not, mess up drawing hands! With time and practice, I can't promise you that you'll go pro but you'll be able to brag your hand drawing skills!
Right now, you've hopefully practiced the hand technique. If not I'd recommend going back and giving it a few tries for the practice. Looking back at your page you'll probably realize the very obvious thing. Floating. Hands. Now, normally this is humanly impossible, and it is. But, I'll allow it for the sake of artistic process. Our friendly appendages are probably pretty lonely right now so we might as well add on some friends to hold them up when they're feeling down.